The Payment of Annuity Fees in Saudi Arabia

The payment of annuity fees in respect of Saudi patents and patent applications falls due as from 1st of January of each Calendar Year, and can be made up to 31st  March of the same year without penalty. However, further grace period from 1st April up to 30th June of the same year will be allowed with penalty feeswhereby the official fees will be doubled. Otherwise, the patent or patent application will be considered abandoned.

On the other hand, should three (3) years expire without the Patent Office rendering a Decision on the merits of the application, the applicant may abstain from the payment of the annuity fees until the Patent Office make a decision granting the patent; and shall in such case, pay all accumulated annuity fees.

Should you need any updates or have further questions about the procedures of the Saudi Patent Office, please feel free to contact Ms. Randa Moayed at .


UAE Boosting Innovation and IP System

The United Arab Emirates has made another significant stride in supporting intellectual property and innovation, following the recent announcement of the new